For the third time this year I am experiencing the Xerocon Blues–a condition that befalls those of us in the Xero ecosystem who for various reasons cannot attend this marquee event. In my case, having attended nearly 20 of these in all parts of the world dating back to the first unofficial Xerocon of 2010 at Black Barn Vineyard–the blues are particularly acute.

Xero has quite simply led the way in creating accounting conference buzz, drawing in over the last decade hundreds of complementary apps, thousands of accounting practices and the kinds of speakers and entertainment that you wouldn’t normally associate with the world of debits and credits. What we now take for granted and expect each time was actually pretty ‘out there’ back in the day, and to Xero’s credit they have kept things fresh enough to ensure that Xerocon remains one of the hottest tickets in town.
The Spotlight Reporting team has supported as sponsors at every single Xerocon. Our team are on the ground each time and love catching up with partners, ecosystem friends, the Xero crew and of course new friends and prospects. We launched our company live on stage in 2011 at the legendary Taupo Xerocon (Rod Drury wouldn’t let me use slides – gulp!) and have been speakers, panellists, Award-winners and flag-bearers for advanced reporting, forecasting and advisory.

My Xerocon Tip-list:
- Make new friends – talk to fresh faces, welcome newbies and be available
- Give quality time to exhibitors and sponsors – Xerocon not only relies on their significant investment, but they put in a lot of effort and expense to be there and offering their product or service to the scrutiny of the community - plus being a Xero Partner is far more fun with a range of apps to improve the experience for you and for clients
- Make some noise – share photos, insight and attend as much as you can. These events can be transformative, but you need to get out of the comfort zone too. Give those of us not there some mega-FOMO!
- Have some goals and take-aways – what must you tick off, who must you talk to, what research or insight delivers you ROI, what will creative lasting impact once the last plane has headed home? Get a bit geeky with it, make a list ☺
- Circle back for the slam-dunk – rest up on your return, clear the cobwebs…but book in a chunk of time a week or two post-Xerocon to trial that app that impressed, to plan some cascade training for the team, to connect properly with those new friends and maybe, just maybe start planning for your next Xerocon adventure somewhere else in the world.
"Xero has quite simply led the way in creating accounting conference buzz"